Hospitals are overcrowded: the staff can't handle the chaos in the corridors, people are even lying on the blank floor.... from time to time some men in heavy duty protection suits armed with vaporizing gear, fight their way through the crowd of sick and dying people in order to disinfect and narcotize the patients – this is the only way to maintain at least a minimum of hygiene & control.
Meanwhile outside a large mob of demonstrating people are being brutally erased by army bulldozers... there is naked panic in the air which suffocatingly stinks from chemical pollution, blood, fire and human wastes. The sky is a strange mass of thick, purplish Grey, intermingled with phosphorescent yellow stripes, weighting heavily on the world as if it where going to smash it...
Whilst further away, where some bits and pieces of vegetation scattered randomly over the planet remain, the people are solely concerned with the wellbeing of their own and their families live standarts. In spite of the apparent crucial life qualities decay, they continue to eagerly reproduce themselves and go on with their lives and functions in society, as if their world and values would never come to a change or halt at all. Their money buys them day after day the illusion of an intact life and world - and whenever they get confronted with ugly facts, they explain this away thanks to all kinds of proclaimed images of a beautifull, ideal world and flourishing New Age and Esoterica theories.
Nourishment for the entire population -except for the very poorest and the outlaws, is produced in large, either chemical or 'livestock' manufacturings. The latter are places where living beings are raised for the sole purpose to be consumed shortly after their birth from the hungry masses. The staff who works there has long ago learned to |
suppress and kill every feeling and moral concern; they are merely functioning for the sake and profit of some few powerful individuals, which are entirely indifferent to any other form of living other than themselves, thanks to their having themselves successfully killed any values such as love compassion, purpose and
meaning. Instead they have replaced these out of fashion values by an ever hungry material greed for endless resources, power and control.
...in case you thought this a nightmare; it is unfortunately not! Such 'scenes' are happening now and here with you and me being the people in the middle section of this downright sad & hideous account!
It occurs to me that malicious cancer in it's common behavior is very similar to humankind, in that it stubbornly spreads increasingly and by doing this, it accelerates the nearing of its own death by the continuous colonization, exploitation, destruction and killing of its own host!
Politics & Economy
It strongly repels me that neatly dressed, from reality and life alienated bureaucrats are making desktop decisions and quotes about whom and how many (..all living beings) to let live, and about whom and how many to kill! ...they call it management, and they have left their reason and conscience at home in the heart of their oh so sweet and so called representable family! We should not ever let anybody 'manage' anything else than his or her private, individual life!